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Check back regularly for additional caresheets
Bearded Dragon Caresheet

Although Bearded Dragons are a hearty species, they do have very specific needs that need to be fufilled for them to live a healthy happy life.

Silky Caresheet



Silkies require special care, this care does not need to be complicated or time consuming but knowing the needs of these unique Bearded Dragons is essential for their health and wellbeing.


This care sheet will be intended as a supplement to the Bearded Dragon care sheet, both need to be followed for the health of these Dragons.

Upcoming Caresheets

The need for acurrate caresheets is vital to the wellbeing of our animals, recognizing the need for complete data we spend much time working on our care sheets instead of simply linking to one of the many available caresheets that may or may not have incomplete data.  


Some of the caresheets we are currently working on include: Ball Python, Crested Gecko, Whites Tree Frog, Cornsnake and others.  Check back for updates.

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