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Silkie Care


Supplement to Bearded Dragon Care; not a stand alone caresheet.


While the care of Silkback Bearded Dragons is very similar to that of other Bearded Dragons there are a few points that need to be emphasised or altered with these delicate reptiles.



Silkie Bearded dragons have very sensitive skin that dries very easy for this reason a non abrasive substrate that will allow for consistency of humidity is essential.  Paper towels contain toxic chemicals including formaldehyde and should never be used, this is especially true with Silkies who are more likely to absorb these toxins through their exposed skin.  Reptile carpet is a popular choice but care needs to be taken to maintain 40-60% humidity at all times.  People have reported great success with bioactive habitats, reporting having been able to stop their lotion and go down to only weekly baths. This is an excellent choice for humidity stability but, as with any Bearded Dragon, should only be tried with healthy animals without digestive problems or malnutrition.

Heat and UVB:

While most Silkies do fine with the same Heat and UVB as other Bearded Dragons, Silkies should be provided a shaded area to go when desired.  Some Silkie owners find that using a Tropical 5 UVB light works better for their Dragon, in which case a vitamin D supplement may be beneficial to maintain proper calcium absorption.


A water bowl big enough to soak in as needed should be provided at all times.  As stated above, maintaining 40-60% humidity at all times is very important to silkies, this can be maintained by misting several times a day as needed (as with other Bearded Dragons avoid misting the face and never mist an ill animal) to keep the humidity stable without creating a wet environment, this is easily done in a bioactive habitat by maintaining a moist area at the same end as the water bowl.  Another option is to provide a humidity hide or humidity bowl with moss that is kept moist at all times, this may work better in some climates or seasons and not so well in others though.  Silkies generally requires soaks at least once a week, increase as needed and of course always closely supervise soaks.


Care should be taken to make sure no crickets are left in the Silkie habitat as they may bite the Dragons.  A natural high Omega supplement can also be added to their food once a week or as needed to aid in skin health.

Basic care:

Since Silkies don’t have any scales to protect them from the environment care should be taken to avoid all direct and indirect contact with chemicals of any kind. Also Silkies should always be housed alone; even females should not be housed together.  Because their skin is so fragile great thought and care should be taken before considering breeding male Silkies as serious wounds could occur.  Female Silkies should never been breed; in mating the male bites the female on the neck to hold her in place, for a Silkie that bite can easily inflict serious or even life threatening injuries.

Skin care:

As stated above, Silkies should be soaked in dechlorinated water at least once a week.   After each soak the Silkie should be carefully examined for any stuck shed which should be gently rubbed off, never pulled on, extra attention should be given to the toes and tail where stuck shed is common. Additionally a skin moisturizer should be applied at least once a week on an alternating days.  It is essential that the moisturizer be all natural, non toxic and food grade, all artificial ingredients and mineral oils should be avoided.  If any skin abrasion occurs, even very small ones, Neosporin (make sure it is the one without the added pain reliever) should be applied to the spot immediately, and reapplied daily or as needed.


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